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Marshall Gilbert

1954 - 2005

"Love never ends"


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We all miss you, but we are consoled by memories of our time together and the positive impact you had on every life you touched. On this site, we'll share pictures and memories and do our best to keep the best part of you alive.

Reflections and Eulogies
Someone told me when my heart broke, "I'm sorry about your father."  But Marshall Gilbert isn't "father" to me.  He's my daddy.  He's the man I call first in crisis or triumph.  He's the one who calls me every week to make me laugh at his random outbursts, remind me to watch his favorite show, or make a recommendation on yet another B-movie.  We would argue about topics from sports and movies to politics. Inevitably, we had to agree to disagree.  I'm really going to miss those conversations or receiving his standard message on my voice mail:  "Stephanie, this is your dad calling.  I'll call you back later."  I miss you, Daddy.  And selfishly, I keep thinking of all the things I'll never have since you're gone.  When I get married, my daddy will be watching from a distance instead of walking me down the aisle.  When I have his grandchildren, he'll be smiling down from heaven instead of bouncing them on his knee.  But I guess God needs him more.  He knew how hard Dad worked on this earth, and He called him home to rest.  And over these last few days, I'm sure we've all remembered my dad with sad laughter and painful tears.  He always had a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice.  He could joke about anything, and he would help loved ones in any way he could.  He was a man with little complaint, especially about himself.  He would never have made a big fuss about himself and would wonder why we are. And he is a man we will all miss because of these great qualities.
By looking at this room, it's obvious my daddy impacted a lot of people.  None of us could have expected this, and most of us are still shocked.  He always planned to live to 100, so half his life still lay ahead of him.  But here we are, remembering the man we loved and regretting not having one more day to share with him.  Daddy called me Friday night and left a message when I didn't hear the phone.  I thought I could call him Saturday or Sunday and deleted the message.  I would give anything to have that moment back, to have called him immediately just to tell him I love him.  I'm so sorry that I thought my life was too important to
remember what's really important.  I have no doubts how much my daddy loves me.  I hope he knows how much I will always love him.

Written by: Stephanie Gilbert, from the memorial service on 3/15/05
When I think about my dad, I guess what I miss the most is his phone calls.  He was calling at least every other day just to see what I was up to or how the grandkids were.  He would always find some way to make me laugh over something, whether it be his random ranting about politics or just to remind me to watch his favorite show, "Survivor."  He didn't complain much about anything.  He was always there to support me even when it was hard to.  The day he left us my heart simply broke.  Nothing can ever take his place in this world.  He wasn't just a dad, he was a son, a brother, a grandfather, an uncle,  and a friend.  Losing my dad didn't just effect me, it effected all those who knew and loved him.  He may be gone but he will never be forgotten.  The short time he was here he touched each of our lives in different ways.  For me, it was just by knowing I could rely on him whenever I needed him.  I didn't get to say good-bye, but I know he still remains with us, watching over.  I only hope that I can be the type of person he was to my children, and show them the love and support he always gave me.  Love never ends.
Written by: Jennifer Bridges

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I've recently added a blog to the site.  This way anyone can go and post their thoughts comments or just keep everyone informed about family matters.  The only thing I ask is that if anyone responds to comments left, please be respectful.

February 27, 1954 - March 12, 2005